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Free Bloom and Blossom Bundles

Author : Emily

Here’s how you can try to get a free Bloom and Blossom bundle worth £97:

Here’s how you can try to get a free Bloom and Blossom bundle worth £97:

  1. Click ‘GET FREEBIE’: This should take you to the Bloom and Blossom competition page.
  2. Scroll Down: Navigate through the page until you find the entry form.
  3. Fill in the Form: Enter your details as required to participate in the competition.
  4. Click ‘Enter Competition’: Submit your entry.

Keep an eye on your email inbox as you’ll be notified via email if you’re selected. Make sure to apply before the 30th of June. Good luck!

How do I get my freebie ?

Click on the link "get freebie" and follow instructions.

Daylie-Freebie is not the organizer of this campaign and assumes no responsibility for the selection of the participants.

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