Free Jimmy’s Coffee Can

Author :
January 29, 2022

Jimmy’s Coffee is giving away 5,000 FREE oat iced coffee cans! This drink is refreshing and completely dairy-free for all to enjoy. Don’t miss out – claim yours now!

To claim yours all you have to do is click ‘GET FREEBIE’ and click on the link in the Facebook post. Then enter your details and phone number on the Jimmy’s Coffee website and your coupon will be sent to you via SMS. Then simply head to your nearest participating Co-Op store, pick up a can and take it to the till. Then simply present your voucher by tapping. Please note you can only redeem 1 can per person.

Hurry while stocks last! Please note coupons expire on 7/02/2022.

Daylie-Freebie is not the organizer of this campaign and assumes no responsibility for the selection of the participants.

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