Free Soreen Snack for Key Workers – 40,000 Available

Author :
June 2, 2020

CheckoutSmart has teamed up with Soreen to offer 40,000 key workers a tasty treat!

If you work in any of the following industries, you can click our Claim Mine Now button and enter your email address:

  • Health and social care
  • Education and childcare
  • Journalism and broadcasting
  • Justice system, religion or charity
  • Local and national government
  • Food and other necessary goods
  • Public safety and national security
  • Transport
  • Utilities, comms and finance

Once you’ve popped in your email, you will get an email with a unique code and instructions on how to sign up to CheckoutSmart. Once you’ve signed up or logged in, you can go to the ‘Enter a Code’ section and put in yours. There are also some other keyworker offers that you’ll then also be able to access.

Daylie-Freebie is not the organizer of this campaign and assumes no responsibility for the selection of the participants.

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