Free Tea from Tea India

Author :
February 18, 2020

Tea India UK is giving away 500 FREE samples packs of their Ayurveda tea range! You’ll get to enjoy three different kinds of their incredible tea.Please be aware that due to a high volume of traffic their website is working SLOWLY so please be patient!

Ayurveda is a holistic approach to life, rooted in India and has been practised for over 5,000 years. It means the science of life and is based on the idea that knowing your mind/body type or ‘dosha’ is the perfect way to lead a balanced and happy life. There are 3 ‘doshas’; Vata, Pitta and Kapha and each Tea India Ayurveda blend has been specifically created to balance each of these.

Hurry – the competition ends 29th February 2020!

Daylie-Freebie is not the organizer of this campaign and assumes no responsibility for the selection of the participants.

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